OzCHI 2024: Beyond Being Human
30th November to 4th December 2024
Queensland, Australia

About OzCHI

OzCHI is Australasia's leading forum for the latest in HCI research and practice. OzCHI attracts a broad international community of researchers, industry practitioners, academics and students. Participants typically come from more than 25 countries and from a range of backgrounds, including interface designers, user experience experts, information architects, software engineers, human factors specialists, information systems analysts and social scientists. We welcome international submissions and participation. We encourage submissions and participation from industry.

Call For Papers

We invite original contributions on all topics related to Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design and the design of interactive technologies. Submissions are invited for long papers, late-breaking papers, workshops, demonstrations, the Doctoral Colloquium and the Student Design Challenge.

Contributions must be novel, not published or under review elsewhere. Authors may be students, academics, or industry practitioners–all are welcome!

Submission dates

12th June 2024: Long papers
10th July 2024: Workshop proposals
10-11th August 2024: Student design competition
14th August 2024: Late-breaking papers, Demonstrations and Doctoral Colloquium

Notifications of Acceptance

31st July 2024: Long papers and Workshop proposals
2nd October 2024: Late-breaking papers, Demonstrations and Doctoral Colloquium

The conference will be in-person and each contribution is expected to present in person, except in extenuating personal circumstances.