Instructions for Authors
Posted on August 25, 2017
Dear Authors,
ACM has created a new template to be used in conjunction with the ACM e-Rights System and the ACM CCS 2012 Author Support Tool found in the ACM Digital Library.
ACM has developed a new webpage which contains the new proceedings templates and CC2012 guide. Please note that the ACM templates have considerably, the link below now provides you with an archive of the full catalogue of ACM templates.
Please follow these steps:
Download and open the zipfile from:
Install all fonts included in the ZIP file
Open ACM_SigChi.docx for Full and Short papers, or the SigCHI-a template for and for Industry Papers, Demos, Work in Progress, and OzCHI24.
Remove the following contents: Page number, Headers & Footers, and for Short and Long papers only: remove the subtitle “Extended Abstract”
Add CCS Concepts:
Under ‘ACM Reference format:’ Add the following text in your document: Author names, Year, Paper title. In Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, November 2017 (OzCHI 2017), x pages.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience as this is a recent ACM change of policy that was communicated to us only a few days ago.
We are aware of the issues you are facing with regards to the new ACM format. We want to make it clear that any formatting issue will not affect our decisions, especially for the conditionally accepted papers.The following are know issues with the template, please try to adhere to these instructions:
- Macros: If you are having problems with macros, we recommend that it would be much safer if you just edit the template and ignore the macros for now.
- Paper Length: We know that the new format makes your papers longer. Long Papers can go up to 9 pages of main text (plus references), Short Papers can be up to 4 pages of main text (excluding references).
- References: You will need to use “numbered” referencing in the new format. Please ensure that the references are in alphabetical order based on first author name (not by order of appearance). We were able to create an EndNote style based on the reference guidelines from the formatting of the reference list requires formatting (paragraph 0.5cm hanging), but otherwise it seems to work. Please access the EndNote style here. [Courtesy: Bernd Ploderer]
- Footnote Issue: ACM now uses a Footnote for copyright notice, instead of a textbox. We suggest that you do not remove the footnote, as removing it will create issues with your copyright notice. If your footnote spreads across both columns, save your document as Word 97-2004 (.DOC). This should restrict the footnote to one column only. If not, continue by going to options, advanced, footnote layout, and adjust the setting.
- Font size for long and short papers: the font size for the main text is 9pt (Linux Libertine). The font size for the paper title is 17 (Linux Biolinum). (Unfortunately, the ACM ACM_SigChi.docx templates for Windows and Mac were inconsistent.)
If you have faced any other issues, please let us know.