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Registration and Payment

The preferred method of registering is on-line via the secure Conference Registration Website. Alternatively please download and complete a registration form and post or fax to the Conference Secretariat: Registration Form. Each delegate must register separately.

Registration Fees

All fees are in $AUD and are inclusive of GST. Payment in any other currency will not be accepted. Registration cannot be confirmed until full payment is received.

The main conference will be from Wed 25 to Fri 27 Nov 2009, and will be preceded by two days of Workshops, Tutorials and a Doctoral Consortium on Mon 23 and Tue 24 Nov 2009. The venue for OZCHI is the ICT building of the University of Melbourne, 111 Barry St, Parkville.

Early bird registration will close on 7th October 2009. We encourage early registration to take advantage of these discounts and to secure your accommodation at the conference hotel and resort. Member rates are available to members of CHISIG, HFESA, CHINZ and delegates of Interactive Entertainment 2009. 3-day conference registration including all conference sessions from the 25th to 27th November 2009 and the welcome reception and conference dinner.

Delegates attending the OZCHI Conference can also attend the HFESA Conference for an additional $150.

CategoryEarly Bird
Before 16th October
After 16th October
Member Full Registration$660$770
Non Member Full Registration$780$890

Member Full Registration - attendance at all sessions, conference Morning/Afternoon Teas and Lunches, Handbook, Satchel, Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.

Non Member Full Registration - attendance at all sessions, conference Morning/Afternoon Teas and Lunches, Handbook, Satchel, Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.

1-day conference registration for day attendance at conference sessions on the 25th-27th November 2009 excluding the welcome reception and conference dinner. Included in your registration is attendance at the relevant session, conference Morning/Afternoon tea and lunch on the specified day and handbook. Please indicate on your registration form which day you will be attending.

Day Registration $330
Student Day Registration$150

Day and Half Day Workshop and Tutorial Registration excludes conference registration, welcome reception, and conference dinner. Please indicate on your registration form which day or half day you will be attending on the 23rd or 24th of November 2009. Included in your registration is attendance at the relevant tutorial, conference Morning/Afternoon tea and lunch on the specified day and Handbook. Accepted workshop and tutorial participants are entitled to register at the early bird conference rate even after the 7th Oct 2009. The OZeWAI workshop is a 2 day workshop for a special price of $300.

Doctoral Consortium held on the 24th of November 2009, excludes conference registration, welcome reception and conference dinner. Positions at the consortium will be offered based on a review of the submitted proposals.

Full Day Workshop$200
Half Day Workshop$100
Full Day Tutorial$280
Half Day Tutorial$140
2 Day OZeWAI workshop$300

Additional tickets for the welcome reception and conference dinner.

Welcome Reception Extra$35
Conference Dinner Extra$90

How to Register

The preferred method of registering is on-line via the secure Conference Registration Website. Alternatively please download and complete a registration form and post or fax to the Conference Secretariat: Registration Form. Each delegate must register separately.


Please register via the secure Conference website. Online registration can be made with credit card (Visa/MasterCard) payment or without payment. A tax invoice will be sent to you for payment within 7 days. If this is not convenient then please use the downloadable registration form.

Send registration form with payment to:

OZCHI Conference
SAPMEA Meetings Management
200 Greenhill Road

Method of Payment

Payment of fees in full should accompany all registration forms unless a request for a tax invoice. No registration will be confirmed until payment is received. Payment can be made by the following methods: credit card, personal or company cheque (Australian delegates only) or bank draft in Australian dollars. Cheques must be made payable to SAPMEA.

All major credit cards are accepted via fax or mail registrations. Mail order or fax registration payments will appear as SAPMEA on your credit card statement. Visa and MasterCard only are accepted for online registration payments and will appear as MIE Software on your credit card statement. Diners and American Express cards are accepted for invoice payments and fax and mail registrations.

Or Electronic Transfers
North Adelaide Branch, South Australia
Account Name: SAPMEA
Swift Code: SGBLAU2S (for overseas transfers)
BSB Number: 105 022
Account Number: 112596640
Reference: 9910/Invoice# or Surname
Please forward remittance advice by email to or fax to:
+61 8 8274 6000


Cancellation of registration must be made in writing to the Secretariat, and fees will be refunded as follows:

On or before 12/10/09 full payment less administration fee of $110.
After 12/10/09 No refund

Registrations are transferable to a colleague at any time prior to the conference provided the conference secretariat is advised in writing.

Registration Acknowledgement

Your registration will be acknowledged via email within 10 working days of receipt of the registration form. Registration fees are based on date of receipt of payment (not based on date of receipt of registration forms). A Tax Invoice will be provided for GST purposes upon request.