Call for Papers

OzCHI is Australia's leading forum for work on the design and study of Human-Computer Interaction and CHISIG's ( annual non-profit conference. OzCHI attracts an international community of practitioners, researchers, academics and students from a wide range of disciplines including user experience designers, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts, social scientists and managers. We welcome perspectives from design, architecture, engineering, planning, social science and creative industries among other disciplines.Human computer interaction is changing rapidly with notable growth and advancing research in the areas of:
  • Mobile devices;
  • Social and collaboration technologies;
  • Open-source software, mashups and end-user programming;
  • Embodied interaction and tangible computing;
  • Ubiquitous computing and sensor networks;
  • Visualization, mixed reality and game technologies;
  • Machine intelligence and smart services;
  • Data mining and e-research;
  • Consideration of affective, emotional and motivational aspects;
  • Design and social research methods;
  • Use of ICT in expanding cultural contexts;
  • Use of ICT in all aspects of home, work, play and life.

Aspects of participation, collaboration, access, trust, privacy and context of use remain pivotal in framing interaction that is mediated by technologies.

We invite original contributions on all topics related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) including design, practical, technical, methodological, empirical, theoretical and participatory aspects.We look forward to your involvement at this year's OzCHI conference.

The conference will be held from Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th November 2010 and will be preceded by two days of Workshops, Tutorials and a Doctoral Consortium on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd November 2010.

The conference is located in the heart of sub-tropical Brisbane at the Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus.

The long and short papers will be double blind peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. All accepted papers in the conference will be included in the ACM Digital Library.

OzCHI in Brisbane is followed by The 11th Participatory Design Conference,PDC 2010 in Sydney. November 29 - December 3, 2010

Important Dates

Submission of:
  • Short Papers
  • Demos
  • Industry Case Studies
Monday 30th August 2010
  • Doctoral Consortium applications
Friday 3rd September 2010
  • Long Papers
  • Tutorial Proposals
  • Workshop Proposals
Submission closed on Friday 2nd July

Paper Template

All submissions for OzCHI 2010 must be made using the OzCHI 2010 paper template.


Submission is now open. Long and Short papers should be submitted through the Precision Conference submission system to submit your paper. Workshops, Tutorials, Case Studies, Doctoral Consortium and Student Design Competition submissions should be sent directly to the relevant chairs.

Conference Chair: Margot Brereton