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OZCHI 2007 will have 4 tutorials which you can attend. 3 of these tutorials are full day tutorials. The remaining tutorial is only a half day tutorial.

The tutorials available are as follow:


Tutorial 1: Cultural Probes - A Practical Introduction

Participants will be introduced to the relatively new data gathering technique of Cultural Probes. These may be viewed as an extension of ‘Diary Studies’ and are particularly suited to non-work environments where the use of technology is difficult to study in context without disturbing the nature and quality of the activity. The tutorial will provide an understanding of a Cultural Probe, when and how to apply the technique, what to expect from the data and finally give participants the opportunity to plan and test a probe pack through practical exercises.

Tutorial participants will

  • Gain a basic understanding of Cultural Probes and their use
  • Gain skills in developing a Cultural Probe pack
  • Develop skills in planning and the logistics of administering a Cultural Probe
  • Gain insight into the use and analysis of the data collected from a Cultural Probe

This tutorial has been newly created for OZCHI in response to the need for data gathering techniques for non-work applications such as entertainment or sensitive environments such as health-care.

At OZCHI 2007 we propose to run it alternating lectures and hands-on practice.

The tutors are: Gerry Gaffney (Information & Design) and John Murphy (Design4Use) both of whom have many years of experience in industry and have variously worked with Cultural Probes in academic and industry settings.

The tutorial is intended for usability specialists or people who have completed coursework study in human computer interaction or interaction design and are familiar with standard data gathering techniques.

Tutorial 2: Forms that work: Understanding Forms to improve their design

Forms are ubiquitous, essential and widely disliked, but they do not have to be a difficult experience for the user. This tutorial concentrates on the human side of forms: how we interact with, and think about forms and how to make them as easy for users as practicable.

You do not need any special knowledge or experience of forms or usability. You need to have some interest in forms and preferably to be working with forms in some way.

What you will learn

You will learn:

  • The three-layer model of the form: relationship, conversation and appearance
  • A six-step process of creating forms that work for the users
    • Define the information requirement
    • Understand the relationship
    • Write questions, the building blocks of a conversation
    • Design a flow to create a conversation
    • Design an appropriate appearance
    • Testing
  • The importance of iteration throughout the process.
  Take-aways include:
    • a deep understanding of forms, encapsulated in a variety of guidelines that are easy to remember and apply
    • thorough appreciation of the three-layer model of forms (relationship, conversation and appearance) and how to use it to improve forms
    • a range of ways of testing forms and understanding of the value of testing.

A forms tutorial that combines principles and practice

The style of the day is very interactive, with lots of discussion and exercises. We will work through a real-life example of a form that needs some improvement. You're welcome to send the presenter any forms you'd like to discuss: we'll either use them in class, or find some time in breaks to chat about them.

The presenter: Caroline Jarrett

Caroline has been fascinated by forms since she started working on UK tax forms in 1992, and has been teaching forms tutorials internationally since the first Neilsen-Norman world tour in 2000/20001. Whether your particular form is complex or simple, for the general public or a specialist audience, high-volume or rarely used, chances are she'll have consulted on something similar. Come to share your ideas with her.

Tutorial 3: Principles of Interaction Design

Presented By: Shane Morris

This tutorial introduces 23 key principles of interaction design used every day by interaction designers to design better user interfaces, faster. Most interaction designers come to the field with little formal training in user interface design. They apply personal experience, intuition, imitation and extensive evaluation to produce their user interfaces. Along the way, they build a body of conscious and unconscious principles that help them consistently and rapidly produce high-quality user interfaces. In this tutorial beginner and experienced interaction designers will develop their working vocabulary of these design principles. Participants will build their skills in identifying and applying these principles to produce high-quality designs which are based on sound principles – and in less time. Familiarity with these interaction design principles will also assist participants to communicate, discuss and defend their designs in their everyday work. Over a full day we will identify 23 fundamental principles of interface, information and visual design, discuss how they can be applied and examine examples - good and bad - of their use. Topics covered include universal principles of interaction design such as “functional layering”, “direct manipulation” and “visual hierarchy”, fundamental guidelines like “Fitt’s Law” and cognitive principles like gestalt grouping principles. This popular tutorial is fast-paced and highly interactive, and participants are encouraged to contribute their own experience and opinions. An ability to constructively critique one’s own work, and the work of others, is an invaluable way to build one’s own design sensibility – so come prepared to contribute, debate and, yes, design. The day ends with a hands-on exercise where we will apply our new knowledge to a real-world design problem.

Warning: This tutorial contains crayons.

What this Tutorial is not About

This tutorial is not about design process, but rather the underlying knowledge that designers apply when generating design solutions, regardless of the process. Neither is this tutorial about visual design, although some principles of visual communication are covered.

Your Instructor

Shane Morris is one of Australia’s most experienced interaction designers, with 16 years experience designing for all forms of interactive technology from physical devices to mobile applications, kiosks, graphical user interfaces and web sites. Shane has taught interaction design in the USA, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia.


Here are some quotes from “Principles of Interaction Design” participants at CHI 2007 in San Jose.

  • “By far, the best course I took at CHI this year”
  • “High quality of material and interaction”
  • “By far best of courses I attended”
  • “Learned a lot! Wish it were longer!”
  • “Great energy!”
  • “Enthusiastic and great speaker”
  • “He had thought a lot about interaction design, and had some great principles. Obviously a lot of experience too. But the best thing was the energetic way he ran the course...his enthusiasm was infectious!”
  • “Best instructor at CHI, maybe the best I've ever had.”